
griftlands griftlands

Her starting deck consists of the following cards: Most of her other cards revolve around bleed and counter, favoring either an aggressive combo deck or defensive deck where statuses and counter attacks are stacked against enemies. Her unique deck mechanics are called Combo and Finisher and involves playing cards sequentially in order to build combo, then spending some or all of it with a finisher for large payouts in damage. Sal fights tooth and nail alongside her trusty dual daggers. There, she reunites with Fssh, her old mentor. Her first stop back in Havaria is the Grog n' Dog, in Murder Bay. In Sal's story, she returns after gaining her freedom through bounty hunting. Sal now hunts Kashio to exact revenge and to collect the hefty bounty on her head. She seeks out Fssh, who has since retired from being a Bounty Hunter and has opened a successful, if not dubious establishment in Murder Bay to seek help in confronting Kashio, who has since become the region's most powerful arms dealer and debt-broker. Sal, stripped from her home and family, spends nearly a decade working off her slave debt through bribery and manipulation. This eventually leads to her becoming enemies with Sal's parents, and she betrays the family, murdering Sal's parents and selling Sal to the Lumin Derricks as a slave. However, Kashio eventually discovers a rare cache of Vagrant tech and suddenly finds herself in a highly influential position as a Spark Baron. Eventually, Sal catches the eye of former laborer turned Spark Baron, Kashio, and ends up under her care to be trained as a Bounty Hunter. Fssh spends time between her hunts with Sal as a mentor training her to fight. Sal's parents were the leaders of the region's Rise movement, and thus Sal would frequently find herself under the care of Fssh, Bounty Hunter and close friend to Sal's parents. As a child Sal grew up on Havaria, an only child to two laborers.
